The What
Client: James Pepperton
Year: 2022
The Ask
Written by Vancouver Island counselor James Pepperton, The Quest is a series of self contained short stories in the vein of modern parables. James contacted me in the final stages of writing his book.
Creating the cover with James created excitement with his book and allowed him to move on to the next stage of self publishing. We explored binding, paper weights and different printing partners to get his final product into the hands of readers.
Building the process brought efficiently and rapid growth to Donia Farms social media presence. Since the new process being fully implemented in Jan 2024, the organic reach of Donia Farm’s accounts skyrocketed to over 5 Million while also growing their collective following from around 4000 to over 22,000. Additionally, this has allowed Donia Farms to increase it’s attractiveness to retailers expanding their product distribution.
James Pepperton
"Thank you Natthan for taking the time to not only listen to an old man but read his book. Love what we created, thanks bud"
The How
Initial Concepts
After reading the book, I realized the challenge came in encapsulating twelve stories into a single relevant image for the cover. His secondary concern was that the image was appealing to males aged 17 - 25. James sent me various reference imagery mostly composed of double exposed photography and vintage post cards. I used this as a spring board to enter the creative process while keeping true to the books symbolic nature. The resulting images include a map, beach walk. desert illustration and road trip were a few concepts that we explored through Zoom calls and email. 
Fine Tuning
After James and I went over the initial concepts, the road forward became clear. The key to my success was to implement elements from various concepts into one. This includes the use of bold Helvetia font, sunset horizon, white van, and unique perspective. This reflects the content of the book through the use of symbolism: the white van represents a vehicle or platform in which the reader will use to journey through the book, the road is the path that takes you to a brighter future AKA, Jame's hope for the reader of his book. The font is a clear and recognizable to both church goers and non church goers alike. The 3rd person view from above allows encourages the reader to shift their perspective. James was thrilled with the end result, especially with the symbolic connection to his stories. 
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